Current clients please schedule a session here

angry. overwhelmed. out of control.
I provide mental health back-up to help you get back to where you want to be.
covid-19 update
At this time, I am offering both in-person and online sessions.
I’m here to support you through this difficult time. I’ve got your back.
You Invest In Your Physical Health
Why not invest in your mental health? Why wouldn’t you do everything you can to be the best you can be for your family, partners and community?
As a patient being treated for PTSD and anxiety, I could not have asked for a therapist with a better variety of experience and targeted training than Dr. Moran’s.
You’ve been thinking about counseling but…...
What will my peers think?
As a first responder, you would call for back-up if you were in physical danger without thinking about it. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your mental health!
However, I completely understand that you may not want your co-workers, command staff or family to know you are getting counseling. I take your confidentiality very seriously.
I won’t be able to do my job if I feel things.
There is a time and a place for everything, and the middle of a call is not the time for an emotional outburst. The problem is that we are not robots and if we keep pushing the emotions away they will eventually come out in harmful ways. Being able to confront and control your emotions will make you better at your job.
This is part of the job.
As first responders you are expected to respond to and deal with some horrible things. That is the job, but it is not your job to be traumatized by what you see and hear. You are trained to remain objective and in control, but the bottom line is those feeling have to go somewhere. Leave it with me. Let me be your back up.